
Welcome to the homepage of Imperial Deltronics!

It is our profound wish that you may spend a few happy and interesting moments here.

I will write about my observations of daily life; the insights which come suddenly; the good and the bad things that happen and how we can integrate these all in our life. In between I will shamelessly plug my programming and web-design skills.

You will find posts, articles, photos and links.

Imperial Deltronics” is my handle when I write Perl-software or dabble in some web-design. The origins of this name have almost but not quite (thanks to Google) disappeared in the mists of history.

I am CountZero and Baron Samedi, lawyer by training, claims team leader by necessity, programmer by choice, wizard by fate and guided by karma.

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Raku Advent Calendar (2009-2019)

Something cool about Raku (formerly known as Perl 6) every day of December until the 24th

Living With Bipolar Disorder

My story of teetering on the edge of sanity!


Just another WordPress.com site


The whole picture.

A Word in Your Ear

Stories and Photographs of my travels, Tales of friends, family, animals and my life

Where's my backpack?

Romancing the planet; a love affair with travel.


Just me Nicole


Just another WordPress.com site

Running Naked With Scissors

slightly cracked observations and unsolicited advice on bending the rules and being yourself...and butterflies

Amor's Thoughts

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" ~Thomas Edison

Blogverse Musings

by Vikram Roy

Imperial Deltronics

Home of fine Perl-software and webdesign